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The Korea Herald

July 27, 2024

Mobile & Internet

KT joins forces with Hyundai for electric bus

  • PUBLISHED :September 16, 2019 - 14:37
  • UPDATED :September 16, 2019 - 14:37
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South Korean telecom giant KT announced on Sept. 16 that it would supply automotive solutions, called fleet management system, to manage electric buses manufactured by Hyundai Motor Company.

The FMS helps analyze and manage data of electric buses, including GPS coordinates, operating records and the overall vehicle status. 

“KT and Hyundai will continue to work to develop new services to galvanize the EV sector, which is deemed to replace the conventional car industry in the future,” said Chio Kang-rim, head of KT’s connected car business center.

The latest FMS is applied to 14 buses currently running in Seoul City, and the collected information is provided to bus operators and Hyundai’s EV units for analysis. The telecom firm and the automotive company are planning to cooperate with more bus operators in other cities, including Incheon and Daejeon.

The telecom firm is the largest automotive platform supplier in the local connected car segment, partnering up with 14 car manufacturers, including Hyundai Motor. It has been developing vehicle management solutions for gasoline cars, and has recently shifted its focus toward alternative vehicles.

Other local telecom companies have also been speeding up the pace to increase their presence in the automotive segment.

LG Uplus, for example, has recently announced its plan to develop 5G-based transport services with Kakao Mobility, a subsidiary of Korea’s largest mobile messenger firm Kakao. SK Telecom, the largest mobile carrier in the nation, plans to establish a test bed for 5G-powered autonomous vehicles in Anyang City, Gyeonggi Province, and roll out an upgraded version of its T Map parking app to offer information of public parking lots.

By Kim Young-won (wone0102@heraldcorp.com)