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The Korea Herald

July 27, 2024

Office Consulting

Real estate assets of 5 conglomerates valued at W80tr

  • PUBLISHED :February 26, 2019 - 18:00
  • UPDATED :February 26, 2019 - 18:00
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The value of properties owned by 365 subsidiaries and affiltes of five family-run conglomerates in Korea have seen their value rise to a combined 79.6 trillion won (US$71.15 billion) as of end-2017, data showed on Feb. 26.


Of the total, realty assets for the purpose of capital gains such as profit-taking and lease took up 15 percent. Of which, the conglomerates -- Samsung, Hyundai, SK, Lotte and LG Electronics -- had a combined 12 trillion won, according to data compiled by civic group Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice. Samsung topped the list, with 5.6 trillion won valuation, followed by Lotte’s 3 trillion won, LG’s 1.6 trillion won, Hyundai Motor’s 1.4 trillion won and SK’s 500 billion won.

Meanwhile, the value of commercial properties -- for use such as warehouses, factories, offices or other facilities for business -- of their 365 subsidiaries and affiltes was up 252.4 percent in five years and 382.4 percent in 10 years.

Hyundai’s land value was the highest at 24.7 trillion won, followed by Samsung’s 16.2 trillion won, SK and Lotte’s 10.2 trillion won each, and LG’s 6.3 trillion won. In a decade, Hyundai’s assets had the sharpest gains, by 4.7 times, followed by LG, SK, Samsung and Lotte.

By Son Ji-hyoung (consnow@heraldcorp.com)