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The Korea Herald

July 27, 2024

The Boardroom

Hanwha to regularize 850 temporary workers

  • PUBLISHED :August 01, 2017 - 16:35
  • UPDATED :August 01, 2017 - 16:35
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[THE INVESTOR] Hanwha Group said on Aug. 1 that it will turn 850 temporary workers into permanent employees by the first half of next year.

Group officials said each affiliate will begin work evaluations of each temporary worker from next month for a phased transfer to permanent positions. About 660 of these workers are in the services sector of the group, including duty-free shop operator Hanwha Galleria and leisure affiliate Hanwha Hotels & Resorts. Fifty-one percent of the workers are women, and 76 percent are those in their 20s.

Positions held by temporary workers will either be turned into permanent positions or internships before permanent employment, aimed at lowering the ratio of non-permanent workers in the business group, officials said.

By Alex Lee and newswires (alexlee@heraldcorp.com)