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The Korea Herald

September 08, 2024

Market Now

Emro seeks global expansion with supply chain management solutions

  • PUBLISHED :June 23, 2023 - 09:26
  • UPDATED :June 23, 2023 - 09:26
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From left: Chakri Gottemukkala, co-founder and CEO of o9 Solutions, Sanjiv Sidhu, co-founder and chairman of o9 Solutions, Hwang Sung-woo, CEO of Samsung SDS, Samsung SDS Executive VP and business manager Song Hae-goo and Samsung SDS Executive VP and CFO Ahn Jung-tae (Samsung SDS)

South Korean supplier relationship management vendor Emro said Thursday it is making a foray into the global market by developing an integrated supply chain management platform in collaboration with Samsung SDS and US-based planning platform provider o9 Solutions.

Amid the escalating trade rivalry between the US and China, the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war and a worldwide economic slowdown, managing one's global supply chain more effectively has become a key focus in corporate management, leading to heightened interest in related software solutions, the company said.

Emro is specialized in digitizing the purchasing process between companies and their suppliers, improving accuracy and efficiency in procurement operations overall.

As the No. 1 supplier relationship management vendor in Korea, the company has also developed artificial intelligence-based software that predicts future demands and price fluctuations of key materials. Utilizing its AI and cloud computing technology, the company plans to further enhance its risk management capabilities in the rapidly changing market.

As part of its global expansion, the company recently struck a strategic partnership with Samsung SDS, Korea’s leading IT solutions provider with an extensive customer network, and o9 Solutions, the top-ranked global supply chain planning solution provider.

Emro plans to introduce an integrated platform that encompasses the entire spectrum of supply chain management, which will also provide comprehensive solutions through a cloud-based infrastructure.

“We aim to complete the development of an integrated supply chain management platform together with Samsung SDS and o9 Solutions by the end of this year and plan to go global starting with the US next year,” the company said. “We are seeking to become another Korea-made success story in the burgeoning software market for supply chain management.”

By Kim So-yeon (sera13@heraldcorp.com)