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The Korea Herald

September 09, 2024

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Korea to provide 10 times faster Wi-Fi in subways -- for free

  • PUBLISHED :December 22, 2021 - 11:02
  • UPDATED :December 22, 2021 - 11:02
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Starting next year, subway passengers in South Korea will be able to enjoy free Wi-Fi services that are 10 times faster, the Ministry of Science and ICT said Dec. 21.

According to the ministry, subway commuters will be able to use Wi-Fi 6E, which has a more reliable internet connection, and is 10 times faster than the current Wi-Fi speed.

The upgraded Wi-Fi speed will be on par with that of private telecoms networks.

Previously, the ministry had limited the transmitted signal power level in subways to prevent frequency interference with local mobile carriers and broadcast media.

“By relaxing the regulations, we’ve decided to take a huge leap forward to enhance the quality of subway Wi-Fi for the citizens,” said Choi Woo-hyuck, director of network policy, in a statement.

Citing a strong demand for faster Wi-Fi in subways, the ministry said it had completed tests with the three telecommunications networks -- KT, SKT and LG Uplus -- and didn’t find any frequency interferences with thier relay stations.

“During the test on Seong-su line of Seoul’s Subway Line No. 2, data showed the Wi-Fi speed was 10 times faster than the current speed in subways when we used WiFi 6E under a controlled experiment,” a ministry official said.

“We will continue to give policy support for the three mobile carriers that have agreed to expand the fast Wi-Fi service nationwide, starting from Seoul Subway Lines No. 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8,” the official added.

The new Wi-Fi services will be available in subways starting early next year.

By Byun Hye-jin (hyejin2@heraldcorp.com)