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The Korea Herald

September 29, 2024


[GRAPHIC NEWS] Change in average height of men and women

  • PUBLISHED :July 27, 2016 - 17:36
  • UPDATED :July 27, 2016 - 17:57
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[THE INVESTOR] The average height of South Korea women has risen 20.1 centimeters to 162.3 centimeters over the last century, which is the most rapid increase among 200 countries around the world, while South Korea men's agerage height has risen 151.1 cm from 159.8 cm to 174.9 cm. 

A research team, led by Elio Riboli, the director of the School of Public Health at Imperial College in London, revealed the result of the study on the change of the average height of men and women in 200 countries from 1914 to 2014 at the Europe Science Open Forum on July 25, the Guardian and Financial Times reported. 

The study shows the height of South Korea women rose 20.1 cm from 142.2 cm in 1914 to 162.3 cm in 2014, marking a greater change in degree than Japan (16 cm), Serbia (15.7 cm), China (9 cm) and the U.S. (5 cm).